The future belongs to electric power, and produced in large quantities will be more available and cheaper. You can get it through: water, wind and sun under the influence of which the plants are a renewable source of heat and electricity. Produced in this way will become an economic power, cheap and very favorable domestic and the export commodity. Energy security and renewable energy resources may become the future of our country.

Arrangement of Dafi water heaters in the house

Electric instantaneous DAFI water heater is designed to deliver hot water to any desired place within water supply system.

Small overall dimensions make DAFI installation possible very close to a tap point, which guarantees saving of; time, water and energy.

DAFI uses energy only while delivering hot water. No wasted water or energy on run–off and no wasted water sitting in pipes. High efficiency and powerful DAFI heating element, hence comparable to much larger alternatives. DAFI is made of 100% recyclable plastic, therefore it is environmentally friendly.

Heated water is insulated from outside temperature.

The only requirements - single pipe (cold–water) and electricity supply.

Easy installation (all required plumbing accessories and electrical connections are included in the set).

DAFI will not fur up.


The electric DAFI water heater can be used for water heating in:

  • households
  • bathrooms
  • toilets
  • public utility buildings
  • industrial plants and offices
  • catering establishments
  • snack bars
  • holiday centres

  • holiday cottages
  • hotels
  • exhibition and fair centres
  • petrol stations
  • shopping centres

DAFI water heaters and the complete tap unit are produced from durable, certified plastic. This plastic, unlike metal, does not corrode, which prolongs the life of the heater. DAFI water heaters are made from materials that do not absorb heat from the water and increase the efficiency of the unit.

Plastic DAFI valve:

  • is flexible
  • abrasion-resistant
  • does not corrode
  • does not oxidise
  • no toxic tarnish

Plastic Dafi water heater valve

The rubber gasket and flexible base of the plastic valve connect perfectly to ensure a more effective cut-off of the water flow. Its construction is similar to that of a brass valve, but the metal elements have been replaced with innovative, certified plastic, which significantly prolonges its lifespan and working time.

Metal valve:

  • damages gasket,
  • non-effective sealing,
  • green toxic tarnish - one should avoid contact with this chemical compound,

Metal not Dafi water heater valve

Dafi water heater warranty DAFI is a reliable water heater. The manufacturer guarantees free service for a period of 24 months, as well as a post guarantee service for many years.

Experience over many years, as well as market research conducted by FORMASTER S.A., have proved that the average lifespan of DAFI water heater, when operated according to the manufacturers instructions, is 8 years.